World of Dungeons / 长老院/Palais / 通知与通告/Announcements / Bertous backup restored(Bertous备份已经复制完毕)   主题已锁定
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丘陵矮人 射手 lvl.3

玩家帐号: root
注册日期: 2004年03月13日

此贴的链接: [post:15796427]

Unfortunately i had to restore a backup for world Bertous. Bertous has been set back to march 16th, 10:00 Beijing time.
(参考翻译,不能保证一定正确——Butterfly Go:很不幸我必须恢复Bertous的备份,Bertous现在已经恢复了3月16日早上10点的备份)
I know that setting back is always an annoyance. Not only for you, but also for me, because i have to but effort in maintenance work i would rather spare.
The reason for the set back was a bug, which occurred under a rare combination of circumstances, which was not predictable for me. It had to do with some drop tests (which the designers did here on Bertous to provide a good game balancing for you) in combination with some maintenance work i did. Both is usually no problem, but this time by coincidence this bug occurred. Unfortunately a lot of items came into the game, which shouldn't have.
These items were given to certain randomly picked heroes, but not all.
The bug has been fixed in the meantime, but the items did remain in play.
For the reason of fairness i decided to restore the database to the time before the event.
I deeply apologize for this bug, because i am proud, that WoD has few bugs and that we did very few restores in the history of WoD.
I have granted all players 30钻石 as a small compensation and i hope that you will enjoy WoD after this disturbance.
Best regards,



最后编辑 Butterfly Go (2011年03月18日 16:24)

2011年03月18日 15:57  
页: 1
World of Dungeons / 长老院/Palais / 通知与通告/Announcements / Bertous backup restored(Bertous备份已经复制完毕)
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